内外 Nèi Wài

Photographed by Lǐ Yíngtíng

July 2023


[dispersion]: the action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.

[diaspora]: the dispersion or spread of a people from their original homeland.


On the land of unknown, they conjugated for the act of survival 


The only light they could hear is to delve deeper inwards 

                     They felt

                                   They fought 

                                                       They circled 

                                                                                                          They pierced 


[diaspora as utopia]

[diaspora as conflict]

[diaspora as belonging]

Photography — Lǐ Yíngtíng

Photography Assistant — Davzon Toy

Creative Direction, Model & Words — MaggZ

Costume & Styling — Tina Hong

Hair & Makeup — Erika Beiza

Location — The Photo Studio


You can find more of Yingting’s work here and here.